Berrly Cloud Release #36

Berrly Saas - Gestió de socis, gestió d'organitzacions, gestió de clubs esportius
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Nova actualització del sistema a data divendres 13 de maig de 2022, amb efecte del passat dilluns dia 2!

Millores al Release #36 de Berrly:

Features and improvements in Berrly Release #36:

  1. Implemented BerrlyPay system
  2. Implemented LabsMobile SMS service
  3. Improved surveys: now it will check if all required fields are validated correctly when creating a new survery
  4. Improvement on attendance export: added an “all” option on the field selector and supplements, discounts and final amount when exporting attendances
  5. Improvement on the API: now it’s possible to filter members by type
  6. Improvement on communication emails: now it’s possible to hide sent emails on both the App and Member Zone
  7. Improvements on duplicate member view: added an icon that shows which member has downloaded the App (if they organization has an App)
  8. Visual improvement on event: when creating tickets of an event that is not public, it will not display “PUBLIC” and “ALL” anymore on the visibility selector

Bugfixes in Berrly Release #36:

  • Fixed an error where it would not save a member’s followup after editing it
  • Fixed an error where the subscription date of a member was not being saved under certain circumstances
  • Fixed an error where the duplicated member was not being displayed
  • Fixed an error where it was displaying disabled seats when buying tickets
  • Fixed an error where the route to download tickets was wrong 
  • Fixed a routing domain error when viewing the member attendances from Berrly
  • Fixed a visual error where the PayPal payment was displaying in a wrong category in the preview member form on the member zone
  • Fixed a visual bug where the fields that are read-only on the member-zone were not displayed as such
  • Fixed a bug where the seat was not displayed as enabled if someone canceled their ticket
  • An issue where validating a NIE was returning that is invalid has been resolved
  • An issue where creating massive donations certificate would not create it has been resolved
  • An issue where the document manager’s tag could not be removed has been resolved
  • An issue where the national id number was not being displayed when there was an update validation of a member has been resolved
  • An issue where it was not possible to create an event ticket in the same sector if there was one deleted has been resolved
  • An issue where saving the attendance in the API would give an error has been resolved
  • An issue where calculating the next date of a recurrent batch was giving an error has been resolved
  • An issue where the seats were not blocked correctly on Berrly has been resolved
  • An issue where an member of type Event was deleted when deleting an attendance has been resolved

Other minor fixes in Berrly Release #36:

  • Some other minor QoL improvements on duplicate members: open view member on a new window, hide unsubscribed members, display date & time downloaded app…
  • Started to implement the member tracking system (still on process, this will take some time)
  • Changed the translation when registering a new member that already has the email saved in the same organization
  • Visual improvement to the login view on mobile
  • Changed Berrly logo from PNG to SVG
  • Recovered some other missing translations (many PRs and cards)

Us expliquem què volen dir cadascuna d’aquestes millores:

1. Implemented BerrlyPay system

Aquesta millora és un punt d’inflexió a Berrly. Hem implementat la nostra pròpia passarel·la de pagament. És un nou mòdul de Berrly, que hem desenvolupat internament per a ús propi, tot i que funciona a un sistema independent del nostre SaaS. Això fa que millori moltíssim la seguretat de totes les transaccions que es realitzin a partir d’ara a Berrly, perquè es fan a un servidor dedicat amb mesures de seguretat extraordinàries, i no estaran vinculats amb altres elements transaccionals que passin dins el SaaS. Per tant, les operacions financeres a partir d’ara són més segures.

2. Implemented LabsMobile SMS service

Hem canviat el proveïdor per a l’enviament de missatges massius de SMS. Això juntament amb una millora que vam implementar fa un temps per a calcular de manera estimada el cost dels enviaments, augmenta molt la qualitat d’aquest servei.

3. Improved surveys: now it will check if all required fields are validated correctly when creating a new survey

S’ha implementat una millora que valida que tots els camps requerits hagin estat degudament omplerts durant la creació d’enquestes a mida.

4. Improvement on attendance export: added an “all” option on the field selector and supplements, discounts and final amount when exporting attendances

S’ha afegit la opció d’afegir “tots els camps”, “suplements” i “descomptes” a l’hora de seleccionar quins elements es volen exportar de les llistes d’assistència a esdeveniments i activitats del calendari.

5. Improvement on the API: now it’s possible to filter members by type

Hem afegit la opció a la API per a desenvolupadors per a que els socis es puguin filtrar per tipus de socis.

6. Improvement on communication emails: now it’s possible to hide sent emails on both the App and Member Zone

Ara és possible amagar els correus electrònics que hagin estat “Enviats”, tant des de la App mòbil de Berrly com des de la Zona Privada per a socis.

7. Improvements on duplicate member view: added an icon that shows which member has downloaded the App (if they organization has an App)

S’ha afegit un una opció per veure, al llistat de socis, quins d’aquests usuaris s’han descarregat la App mòbil de la organització (sempre i quan la organització hagi contractat el desenvolupament de la App de Berrly). En cas que els usuaris s’hagin descarregat la App, apareixerà marcat amb una icona al llistat de socis.

8. Visual improvement on event: when creating tickets of an event that is not public, it will not display “PUBLIC” and “ALL” anymore on the visibility selector

S’ha millorat la pantalla de creció d’esdeveniments perquè quan es creï un esdeveniment que no sigui públic, automàticament, es deshabiliti la opció de mostrar aquest esdeveniment a “públic obert” i/o a “tothom”.

A  més de totes aquestes millores, s’han arreglat més de 18 errors menors que afectaven el funcionament de Berrly. També hem començat a desenvolupar el sistema de tracking per als socis de les organitzacions. Aquest sistema permetrà gran flexibilitat en el futur per a poder mesurar el comportament dels usuaris dins de cada organització i en base a això establir triggers condicionals i implementar altres sistemes (cartera pròpia, gamificació, etc.).

Gràcies com sempre per la vostra confiança, pel vostre feedback i pels tickets de suport que ens feu arribar. Les vostres aportacions són vitals per a nosaltres i per a tota la comunitat d’usuaris de Berrly!

Si teniu qualsevol dubte, podeu posar-vos en contacte amb nosaltres a través del formulari de suport tècnic:

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Programa de gestió de socis para clubs, asssociacions sense ànim de lucre i fundacions.